Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fighting Type 2 Diabetes: How Fitness and Nutrition Expert Natalie Jill Turned the Disease Around - NewsWire

( -- May 25, 2013) San Diego, CA -- After Lori Fran was diagnosed  with type 2 diabetes, the fitness guru Natalie Jill was determined to seek solutions for the reversible disease that did not involve the medications that the doctor would prescribe. Natalie Jill published Lori’s journey to health in a paper titled “We Stopped Type II Diabetes in its Tracks.” The paper goes in depth about Lori’s own prior knowledge of the disease, and the impact that it had on her life.

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Fighting Type 2 Diabetes: How Fitness and Nutrition Expert Natalie Jill Turned the Disease Around - NewsWire

Weight Loss Specialist Natalie Jill Reveals that Diabetes is Not an Obesity Disease - NewsWire

( -- May 24, 2013) San Diego, CA -- Fitness guru and weight loss specialist Natalie Jill reveals shocking, yet not so shocking information in her report titled “Diabetes without Obesity.” Natalie Jill begins by saying, “My sister Lindsay is not overweight. She eats......