A warning is definitely needed for the Western world, particularly for people eating food out of grocery stores and restaurants. Know anyone like that?
Like the aristocrats of ancient Rome, many Americans are literally eating themselves to an early death. I feel that with a little bit of basic knowledge, supported by statistics and research from the cutting edge of health and science, people can take some simple steps and put the odds of living a longer healthier life back in their favor. There are 8 major diseases that have been sweeping the land since the 1940's. All of them were virtually unheard of at the turn of the 20th century.
I started to do some of my own research, because I am one of those 77 million baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964, that is quickly aging & I want to preserve my health as long as possible.
There is a lot of contradictory information available, which is why so many people are confused about what to do to maintain their health. I've heard people say things like: "there's so much contradiction out there, who knows what to believe anymore--I'll just eat what I want and take my chances".
To read my entire article go to the right side bar & click on "Click Here to Find Everything" then click on "Sherrie Chastain Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant".
Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant