For many people acne causes problems beyond the pimples on their face. Acne can be devastating to people who are worried about the image they present to the world. It can also be painful to the touch and cause your skin to feel inflamed.
There is hope for people suffering from acne. The Galvanic Spa is the most effective topical acne treatment of all the alternative acne treatments I have tested. It can help to unclog your pores and remove redness and inflammation from your skin. In addition, it can actually make your skin have a healthy glow.
The Galvanic Spa uses galvanic currents to help liquefy the oil in your pores so that it can easily be removed. Once pores are free from backed up oil and dead skin cells, the infection will go away and your skin can heal.
I give free demonstrations in the Miami-West Palm Beach, Fl area. Set up an appointment today, email me at as soon as possible.
You will see the difference with the first treatment.
Sherrie Chastain
Health and Beauty Consultant