Sunday, August 31, 2008

I am taking a new direction for this blog next week....

Because of the amount of requests I have received for alternative acne treatments, a natural remedy for acne and what are the best treatments for acne. I am going to devote this blog strictly to this issue. Please see my other blogs for information on other issues.

I have had great success with treating acne recently with many different types on the face and body.

More in depth free information on alternative acne treatments that I have had great success with to come in the following days.


Sherrie Chastain

P.S. Go to the right sidebar and click on "Click Here To Find Everything" and visit my "Health and Beauty Consultant" blog or any of the other free information sites listed on my link page.

Abraham Lincoln says..

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."

Are you using yours wisely?

Sherrie Chastain
Health and Beauty Consultant

Friday, August 29, 2008

Why Raw Meat Should Be Used In the Best All Natural Dog Foods and Homemade Dog Food Recipe

Dogs have not changed very much in the past couple of hundred years. It is their surroundings and environment that has changed the most, especially their dog foods. All natural dog foods a hundred years ago were the raw kitchen scraps and any table scraps that were left over. Many dogs also hunted their own food.

Wild Dogs and Why Raw Meats are Best for All Natural Dog Foods
Does your dog walk in circles to pack down the tall grass before sleeping even if there is no grass?

Have you noticed your dog’s sharp pointy teeth used for ripping meat? A dog’s neck muscles are still their strongest muscle for ripping and tearing the meat off their prey. Your dog will also eat his food as quickly as he can and protect it from other animals even if there are none.

Your dog’s sense of smell is 1000 times more powerful than a human’s sense of smell, which enables them to hunt.

Your dog’s digestive system has not changed since the wild; it is designed for high protein, fat and moisture meals. Your dogs jaws only go up and down to tear meat or swallow it whole, hence the saying “wolf your food down”, they do not move sideways like cows or horses that grind vegetation.

Warmth and Moisture in Your Homemade Dog Food Recipe for the Best All Natural Dog Foods
If you feed raw meat with normal fat content and hot purified water to make it moist and make it warm (since cold food shuts down the digestive system), you will be giving your dog the same all natural dog foods dogs have eaten since the beginning of time.

Meat should be fed raw because it also helps to stimulate the carnivore's highly acidic digestive system.

Bones should only be included if they are raw and fresh. Old or cooked bones become brittle and will splinter easily while fresh bones are still pliable.

Do you know of any animals that cook their food before they eat it?

All Natural Dog Foods Dogs Have Eaten for Centuries are Your Best Choice for Dog Foods
Since humans changed the way dogs have eaten since the beginning of time, dogs now get the same diseases humans have. The same diseases humans began to get after they began to eat so much processed food. Coincidence?

This alone should be enough to make us question the high grain content commercial dog foods available today and at least look for high quality all natural dog foods or use a good homemade dog food recipe so you will know exactly what is going into your dog. Your dog will Love you for it.

Sherrie Chastain
Health and Beauty Consultant

Who Else Wants to Know What the Best Calcium Supplementation for Their All Natural Dog Foods and Homemade Dog Food Recipe Is?

Dogs have not changed very much in the past couple of hundred years. It is their surroundings and environment that has changed the most, especially their dog foods. All natural dog foods a hundred years ago were the raw kitchen scraps and any table scraps that were left over. Many dogs also hunted their own food.

Wild Dogs and Why Raw Meats are Best for All Natural Dog Foods
Does your dog walk in circles to pack down the tall grass before sleeping even if there is no grass?

Have you noticed your dog’s sharp pointy teeth used for ripping meat? A dog’s neck muscles are still their strongest muscle for ripping and tearing the meat off their prey. Your dog will also eat his food as quickly as he can and protect it from other animals even if there are none.

Your dog’s sense of smell is 1000 times more powerful than a human’s sense of smell, which enables them to hunt.

Your dog’s digestive system has not changed since the wild; it is designed for high protein, fat and moisture meals. Your dogs jaws only go up and down to tear meat or swallow it whole, hence the saying “wolf your food down”, they do not move sideways like cows or horses that grind vegetation.

Warmth and Moisture in Your Homemade Dog Food Recipe for the Best All Natural Dog Foods
If you feed raw meat with normal fat content and hot purified water to make it moist and make it warm (since cold food shuts down the digestive system), you will be giving your dog the same all natural dog foods dogs have eaten since the beginning of time.

Meat should be fed raw because it also helps to stimulate the carnivore's highly acidic digestive system.

Bones should only be included if they are raw and fresh. Old or cooked bones become brittle and will splinter easily while fresh bones are still pliable.

Do you know of any animals that cook their food before they eat it?

All Natural Dog Foods Dogs Have Eaten for Centuries are Your Best Choice for Dog Foods
Since humans changed the way dogs have eaten since the beginning of time, dogs now get the same diseases humans have. The same diseases humans began to get after they began to eat so much processed food. Coincidence?

This alone should be enough to make us question the high grain content commercial dog foods available today and at least look for high quality all natural dog foods or use a good homemade dog food recipe so you will know exactly what is going into your dog. Your dog will Love you for it.

Sherrie Chastain
Health and Beauty Consultant

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wisdom by Mark Twain (1835 – 1910)

"Always do right. This will gratify some people, and astonish the rest."

Sherrie Chastain
Health and Beauty Consultant

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Love the Moment

Love the moment. Flowers grow out of dark moments. Therefore, each moment is vital. It affects the whole. Life is a succession of such moments and to live each, is to succeed.

Sherrie Chastain
Health and Beauty Consultant

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Use These Simple Guidelines To Choose The Best All Natural Dog Foods

Because dog foods are bought by people, dog food suppliers market to the ideas dog owners have about their dogs likes. This explains why dog foods come in different shapes and colors, with or without gravy, dry or moist, etc. Dogs do not need any of these things for the best all natural dog foods. Isn’t it interesting that pet owners spend around $13 billion annually for pet food which the majority of these dog foods are not all natural dog foods that give your dog optimum health.

Consumers Digest reported several years ago, “Few foods are so liberally laced with artificial flavors as pet foods” they also quoted sources that basically said that the only way they can get pets to eat the poor quality food is by adding phony flavors.

Would you choose artificial, poor quality for ingredients in your dog foods or would you rather choose dog foods that are all natural dog foods for your dog?

A carnivore’s system is designed to eat raw meat, one animal at a time. Your dog should digest its meal and be eliminated before any putrefaction begins. A dog’s digestive system is highly acidic, or at least it should be. Only raw meat stimulates a highly acidic system that is designed to kill unfriendly bacteria.

You will find the best all natural dog foods consist of approximately 75% organic, all natural raw meat. This can consist of beef, whole chicken or turkey wings, necks and backs as long as they are raw and fresh. When bones are old or cooked they become brittle and splinter.

The best all natural dog foods are also around 25% vegetables. This does not mean give your dog a whole, raw carrot. In the wild your dog would get these vegetable requirements from the predigested vegetables in the animal’s stomach and intestines. You can add organic vegetables to your all natural dog foods by grating them, chopping finely (like what you would find in a rabbit’s stomach) or run through a blender, food chopper or food processor.

In the wild a dog would get the water they needed from their prey, so the all natural dog foods you give your dog should be the consistency of a thick stew. The moisture content of dog foods also has an effect on maintaining healthy kidneys and bladder in your dog. Many pet owners report their dog cutting down on water consumption when being fed these types of all natural dog foods.

Most of the minerals must come in the form of supplementation today. Calcium is very important in the best all natural dog foods. Bone meal is not an acceptable source of calcium for your all natural dog foods because bones store toxins and heavy metals like lead or even mad cow disease. The other reason is the calcium to phosphorous ratio. Pets need a 2:1 ratio between calcium and phosphorus. That is, for every 2 parts of calcium in the dog foods, there should be 1 part phosphorus. As an example, if the dog foods contains 2 grams of calcium, the dog foods should contain 1 gram of phosphorus. Meat is naturally low in calcium and high in phosphorus. Bone meal is not only a source of calcium, but bone meal is also a source of phosphorus, so using bone meal reverses the 2:1 ratio so that perhaps your dog's body has a 1:3 ratio or 1 part calcium to 3 parts phosphorus. This imbalance could cause your dog health problems.

Finely ground raw egg shells are the best choice for calcium supplementation in the best all natural dog foods. They contain virtually no phosphorus and are extremely high in calcium plus they are affordable and lightweight. The best all natural dog foods will use approximately 1 tsp. finely ground raw egg shells or about 8 large eggs for every pound of meat. Raw eggs are an excellent source of meat and affordable.

Digestive enzyme supplementation are also a good ingredient in the best all natural dog foods. The four most commonly used enzymes in the best all natural dog foods are amylase that helps with the digestion of carbohydrates, protease which helps with the digestion of protein, lipase that helps with the digestion of fats and cellulase for the digestion of vegetables.

Nutritive herbs provide a blend of vital nutrients that are essential in the best all natural dog foods. Alfalfa which is an Arabic word meaning “mother of all foods, dandelion leaf, nettle, and kelp are ingredients in the best all natural dog foods. These herbs can be found in various green food powder supplements from health food stores.

The combination of these herbs in the best all natural dog foods provide such nutrients as biotin, bioflavanoids, calcium, magnesium, folic acid, iodine, iron, potassium, linolenic acid, niacin, potash, sulfur, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. These herbs also aid in the assimilation of protein, fats and carbohydrates plus are an excellent blood purifier. They also aid the body to help detoxify the liver, clean the colon and keep the thyroid working.

Using these simple guidelines you can choose which are the best all natural dog foods to buy or how to make the best all natural dog foods available so your dog can enjoy optimum health.

Sherrie Chastain
Health Care and Beauty Consultant

Friday, August 15, 2008

I had the blues because I had no shoes until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet

Ancient Persian Saying

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Health Care Consultant

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How to Prevent the 8 Deadly Diseases of the Western World

A warning is definitely needed for the Western world, particularly for people eating food out of grocery stores and restaurants. Know anyone like that?

Like the aristocrats of ancient Rome, many Americans are literally eating themselves to an early death. I feel that with a little bit of basic knowledge, supported by statistics and research from the cutting edge of health and science, people can take some simple steps and put the odds of living a longer healthier life back in their favor. There are 8 major diseases that have been sweeping the land since the 1940's. All of them were virtually unheard of at the turn of the 20th century.

I started to do some of my own research, because I am one of those 77 million baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964, that is quickly aging & I want to preserve my health as long as possible.

There is a lot of contradictory information available, which is why so many people are confused about what to do to maintain their health. I've heard people say things like: "there's so much contradiction out there, who knows what to believe anymore--I'll just eat what I want and take my chances".

To read my entire article go to the right side bar & click on "Click Here to Find Everything" then click on "Sherrie Chastain Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant".

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Life isn't About how to Survive the Storm, but How to Dance in the Rain

The happiest people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Good Bye Bernie Mac - Modern Medicine Takes Another Talented Soul

Bernie Mac was a brilliant comedian. At the young age of 50, Bernie Mac joins the many other celebrities who have died while being treated with conventional pharmaceuticals or chemotherapy.

Bernie Mac died of pneumonia which is an infection that fails to be properly handled by the body's immune system. Bernie Mac's immune system, was suppressed by pharmaceuticals due to treatments for an autoimmune disorder he was previously diagnosed with, called Sarcoidosis.

The most common treatments for Sarcoidosis are steroids (like Prednisone) or immune
system suppressants like Methotrexate. Bernie Mac was described as having his Sarcoidosis go into remission (conventional medicine's word for masking symptoms with dangerous chemicals while ignoring the underlying cause of the disease) following his treatment with one or both of these pharmaceuticals.

Sarcoidosis is really an imbalanced immune system almost always caused by dietary imbalances and exposure to toxic chemicals through processed foods, pharmaceuticals, personal care products and the many other environmental sources (cleaning products and pesticides).

Have you noticed how many new diseases we have now. They are mostly just names for the same thing, over toxicity of the body and a total lack of the nutrients and minerals needed for optimum health.

So since Bernie Mac's symptoms were treated instead of the underlying cause, he was pumped full of drugs that suppressed his immune system. Then with his immunity so low he was able to contract pneumonia like so many people do now days in hospitals. Because of his low immunity plus no nutrient or mineral replacement, he was unable to fight off the pneumonia.

So what should Bernie Mac have done instead?

It's simple: Visit a naturopath, get off all the chemicals and medications, eliminate all the junk from his diet (processed foods, etc.) and transition to a mostly plant-based diet rich in superfoods and living foods. His lung condition would have disappeared and his immune system would have been strong enough to withstand infections.

Prevention is truly worth a pound of cure. Sadly neither prevention nor cure are available with modern medicine.

Have you ever asked yourself with the advances in technology today, why are so many of us sick?

Bernie Mac you will be missed!!

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Health Care Consultant

P.S. He was only 50. Will you be next?

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Is Your Health Really Affected From Fast Food Consumption In A Negative Way?

One sunny afternoon last summer John could feel the warm rays of the sun as he pulled into the gas station in his shiny new black corvette convertible. He remembered handing the salesman a check for his entire savings and the salesman giving him the owners manual with all the required specs so the car could achieve the highest level of performance. He pulled up close to the air and water station. After he opened the locking gas cap he began to fill the tank with the water hose, he decided the 50 cents for the water was better than the $4.oo a gallon for gas."

Seems rather absurd, doesn’t it?

That is why it is so very hard for me to understand why there is even a controversy over health and fast food consumption having negative effects. If you look at your bodies requirements for the highest quality of life you can achieve and you understand that everything you consume is where all of these required elements come from, then it is very easy to understand if you want optimum health, then and only then, will you fully understand the real reasons fast food consumption has such negative effects upon your body.

Your health is a direct reflection of the daily choices you make about your diet, nutrition and fitness. Many people are now turning to holistic healing, natural remedies and alternative medicine to help them achieve their optimum level of health. These practices rely heavily on functional medicine, where the underlying cause is diagnosed and treated instead of the symptoms.

Because it is easier and much more effective to prevent than to cure for optimum health, you must examine your diet and make sure you are getting the proper nutrition along with a consistent fitness program.

The water you drink is the most important element to achieve optimum health. It should be as pure as possible and structured. Your body is over 75% water and your brain is approximately 80% water. The mid afternoon lull that most people feel is dehydration. You should drink water instead of sugar or caffeinated drinks, which only provide a temporary “pick me up.

With the amount of toxins in food, water and air today you must choose organic food as often as you can. Almost 80% of toxins come from meat and dairy, so if you must consume these always choose organic. Vegetables and fruits should be peeled if they are not organic or washed with a tsp. of vinegar in a gallon of purified water. Some vegetables and fruits like cucumbers and melons pull the toxins in, so your best choice is organic.

Until recently your choices for good health and fast food consumption were mostly negative. Even though many fast food restaurants now carry salads and healthier food choices, there is still a huge health risk and fast food consumption in a very negative way, because normally only one item that is ordered is healthy to accompany other very unhealthy over processed choices. Many times the salads are loaded with extra ingredients like cheese, croutons and salad dressings that have lots of calories and are highly processed.

The key to optimum health is a diet and nutrition program consisting mainly of organic vegetables with some fruits eaten as unprocessed and raw as possible, along with a fitness plan that is steady and consistent, like walking.

To enjoy good health your diet, nutrition and fitness program must be of number one concern to you.

Do you want to join the two thirds of America that is overweight and on the road to overall illness and early death? You have the power to change your future, because the choices you make today for your health on your diet, nutrition and fitness will greatly impact your future health. When food becomes nothing more to you than nutrition, these choices will be easy.

In the words of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research

"If the doctors of today do not become the nutritionists of tomorrow,
then the nutritionists of today will become the doctors of tomorrow."

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Amazing Wrinkle Cream Report on Channel 5 News

Hurry & get on over to my Wrinkle Cream Blog to see the amazing report given by Channel 5 News on this new miracle wrinkle cream.

Go to the right sidebar & click on "Click here to Find Everything", then click on "Wrinkle Cream, Wrinkle Creams".

Sherrie Chastain
Holistic Healing Health Care Consultant

Misery or Happiness?

I am determined to be cheerful & happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition. - Martha Washington

Tuesday, August 05, 2008