I want to make it perfectly clear, Coral Calcium does not heal you!!! I think people are missing the idea. Our bodies do the healing, but for them to be able to do this they must have the proper building blocks or regeneration tools. I have seen many people that were constantly sick & with proper nutrition & the addition of vitamins & minerals their Immune Systems became stronger, & they became very healthy. Many of these people were healed of Degenerative Diseases very common in our society today. Some of these people are you who are reading this. If so please post your comment to this. There is strength in numbers!
Most of what I read on the page written by Stephen Barrett M.D., was written from the viewpoint of The Medical Industry (I use this word because it so closely describes our medicine today). Ironically these are the people who are claiming Robert Barefoot is revenue driven. They seemed to focus on claims that the Coral Calcium did the actual healing. It makes perfect sense to attack something that could help solve some of the problems doctors make money from. We have to be very careful in the politically correct society we live in today, but we do still have Freedom of Speech!! I do not know if Robert Barefoot is doing anything wrong, but I do know to attack Coral Calcium in such a way is very unfair.
In the words of:
If the doctors of today do not become
the nutritionists of tomorrow,
then the nutritionists of today will become
the doctors of tomorrow."