Friday, February 10, 2006

The World's Oldest Man

The Guinness Book of World Records sent a journalist to interview the world's oldest documented living man, Shigechiyo Izumi, who lived on the Japanese island of Tokunoshima, Mr. Izumi was a 115-year-old man at the time of the interview, and had retired a short 10 years earlier! But what amazed the reporter the most was the average age of the population; seldom did one die in this society before the age of 95! Even the very old were active and healthy.

A team of researchers discovered that the explanation for their health and longevity was actually in the water. The island has been built up over the centuries from sango coral reefs. When rain percolates down through the coral and finds its way into the population's drinking water, it is infused with the ionic minerals - mostly ionic calcium - which make the water very alkaline and very healthy. The water then causes the body fluids to be very alkaline, and free of disease!

Today over 4 million Japanese use Coral Calcium daily, and the message has spread like wildfire across Europe and around the world. The Secret of the World's Oldest Man has exploded into North America, with life changing testimonies of its benefits pouring in daily. Check out the testimonials at

Research has shown that increased Calcium intake has had amazing results. Coral Calcium is CRITICAL to good health, its like water and air. You must have all three every day! Calcium is involved in literally 100s of critical body functions daily. Several years ago, Congressional document Number 23476 stated " there is not enough minerals in the soil to support health for our bodies". It has to be in the soil first in order to get in our food products and then into our bodies. If we don't use food supplements we certainly cannot be healthy. Many calcium pills are not even assimilated, you can take a 2,000 mg., but only assimilate 35 mg. Patented Sango Coral Calcium is in an ionic form & is readily assimilated. I have clients that feel effects from the first day.

Dr. Linus Pauling who won the Nobel Prize twice said ":... every disease is directly linked to a mineral deficiency. 2/3's of our intake daily must be minerals". Every mineral has a critical use in the body. Did you get your Calcium Today?