Thursday, February 09, 2006
Sugar Free
Aspartic Acid the sweetener in Aspartame is in most diet beverages & more than 5,000 food products. 25% of American women are sensitive or allergic to Aspartic Acid and have symptoms such as headaches, sluggishness, anxiety, depression, irritability, tingling or shaking of extremities, rapid heartbeat or difficulty breathing & many more symptoms. According to the FDA 85% of reported adverse food reactions are aspartame-related. With more than 70% of American women consuming products daily sweetened with Aspartame this could account for some of the mass sickness today. We then say let's try Splenda. Splenda is currently being sued by the Federal Trade Commission for false advertisement. It is not natural, it is made with phosgene gas and a complex chemical chlorination process. The makers know though that they may advertise long enough to persuade or should I say manipulate the vast majority into using it, then when they are ordered to stop advertising the damage will already be done. It is already replacing Aspartame in some popular soft drinks. What is our alternative? There are many more natural sweeteners. Stevia is used widely in Japan like we use sugar in processed foods, but that is another story.