Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Black Cohosh Herb Halts Growth of Breast Cancer Tumors

"(NaturalNews) Extract of black cohosh may halt the growth of breast cancer cells, according to a new study conducted by the French company Naturex and published in the journal 'Phytomedicine.' The study was funded by the National Institutes of Health and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

Cimicifugae racemosae rhizome, also known as black cohosh, is a plant in the buttercup family that is native to eastern North America, ranging from central Georgia in the south to southern Ontario in the north, and as far west as Missouri. It is also known as black bugbane, black snakeroot and fairy candle." read the rest of "Black Cohosh Herb Halts Growth of Breast Cancer Tumors" at naturalnews.com