Monday, December 17, 2007

Health & Happiness Are in Your Hands

All of us are in search of permanent happiness. It’s what we spend most of our time in pursuit of. But understand, our happiness is not dependent on anything outside of ourself. It is fully within the potential of every human being once we understand the relation between our thoughts and our actions. Each action is preceded by a thought, and thoughts motivate us to act. Thoughts are nothing more than waves of energy to which we are receptive. Each of us is tuned, like a radio receiving set, to specific frequency patterns of energy. We receive those waves that are in resonance
with us, like attracting like. It’s the law. It’s the way the whole universe, both seen and unseen, is set up. We are energy beings, living in an unseen ocean of energetic waves that cannot be seen but whose effects we can feel.
Find the rest of the article "In Resonance" Issue 3 here