Best Calcium:
"The following tests prove which calcium supplement your body can use best. Coral Calcium Supplements & other popular Calcium Supplements were compared in these tests.
Xooma's X2O registers 500 times more alkaline than the next closest product in the Lab Comparison of Calcium & Coral Calcium Supplements conducted by Dr. Jeff Bennert, ND, PhD.
Supplemental calcium tablets sold in the stores are not always a pure form of calcium. Most have calcium components combined with stabilizers. First these tablets must be dissolved by digestive secretions & then ionized in order to be utilized. But only a small part of the original compound actually gets dissolved & ionized.
Tests of over-the-counter calcium based supplements that are most often recommended by physicians & pharmacists were conducted by an independent laboratory.
The tests were designed to measure the pH, the oxidation-reduction capabilities, the electrical conductivity, & the ability to counteract the rouleauing effect on erythrocytes.
The tests were conducted using steam distilled water containing crushed powders of each of the products. The pH results were obtained using standardized digital pH meters. High pH test numbers equate to a high level of alkalinity. Low pH results equate to a high level of acidity. The pH scale advances at an exponential power of 10 for each level. Xooma's X2O registered 500 times more alkaline than the next closest product.
Oxygen-reduction results were obtained using a standard Oxygen Reduction Potential or ORP meter. The degree of negativity of an ORP reading is an indicator of how bioavailable & bioabsorbable a product will be. The more negative the test reading, the more ions are available for body metabolic functions. Xomma's X2O was the only product to register strong minus readings on the ORP meter.
Electrical conductivity measurements are tested in ohms using an OHM meter. An ohm is a unit of electrical measurement which demonstrates the amount of electrical resistance of a substance. The lower the ohm reading, the easier it is for electrical impulses to be conducted through the tissues & fluids of the body. The less electrical resistance there is, the more efficiently the metabolic process progresses. This relates to ionic polarization, the osmotic gradient, and the availability of positive and negative ions within the cell membranes. A normal ohm reading for human tissue is approximately 500 ohms. After drinking water containing 1 gm of Xooma's X2O the ohm of a human test subject dropped from 500 ohms to 40 ohms. When 1 gm of the other sample products was added to water & then consumed, there was not an appreciable difference in the ohm reading of test subjects.
Live blood cell screening, using a phase contrast, darkfield microscope, visually shows the level of acidity present in blood serum. High acidity results in high erythrocyte rouleau (the sticking together of red blood cells creating a low oxygen carrying ability). The blood serum of all tests subjects initially showed no rouleau as viewed through the phase contrast, darkfield microscope. Therefore, the blood serum of all test subjects was alkaline in nature. A cola was given to the test subjects to acidify their blood serum. Then product samples were given to the test subjects to see if the sample would restore the subject's blood serum to the "no rouleau", alkaline condition. Identical comparison tests were conducted over a five day period. The higher the pH reading advances in alkalinity, the less amount of erythrocyte rouleau is present. Xooma's X2O was the only product that returned the blood serum of the test subjects from a highly acidic, high blood rouleau condition to a highly alkaline, no blood rouleau condition.
Note that the lower the results on OPR, the better.
The following is a list of products tested & the results:
Mylanta.......................6.7.....+80......500 ohm.......High
Citracal........................6.8...+190......500 ohm.......High
Rolaids........................7.0.....+64......720 ohm.......High
Maalox........................7.1.....+82.....280 ohm.......High
CalcetpH.....................7.2...+144......350 ohm.......High
Tum............................7.2.....+95......500 ohm.......High
Natural........................7.3.....+47......480 ohm.....Medium
Bone Meal...................7.6....+40.......500 ohm.....Medium
Oscal..........................7.8.....+39......300 ohm.....Medium
AdvaCal.......................8.1.....+35......260 ohm.....Medium
Source Nat. Coral.........7.3....+281.......47 ohm....High/Medium
Coral Complex2............7.6......-43.......34 ohm......Medium
Advantage....................8.7.......-71....6 ohm...Medium/Little
Ancient Wisdom...........8.5....+224.....55 ohm.....Medium/Little
Coral Supreme.............7.8......+35.....29 ohm.....Medium
Coral Calcium Daily......8.0.......-39.....22 ohm......Medium/Little
Nature's Sunshine CC...8.7.......+47.....42 ohm......Medium/Little
Coral Sea.....................8.2......+59.....50 ohm..Medium/Little
Xooma X2O (bag)........10.5......-273.....17 ohm......No Rouleau
Xooma x2o (w/o bag)....9.2......-122.....22 ohm.......No Rouleau
Product Correlation:
There was a high correlation between the pH level of the sample products and the amount of erythrocyte rouleau. There was less correlation between the ORP readings and electrical conductivity between the products. Xooma X2O was the only product that showed positive biological function results in all four of the test areas.
Xooma X2O U.S. Patent 4463031 & 4540584. Search the U.S. Patents & Trademarks Office Official Website for the numbers above, read the patents & find out for yourself why Xooma X2O is superior. Not all coral is processed the same & many brands contain harmful levels of lead, mercury, cadmium arsenic etc, which Xooma's X2O patented process removes without disturbing the good elements.
The wide range of variability displayed by the testing results seems to be linked with the bioavailability & bioabsorbability of the type of calcium being ingested. Calcium minerals, in their elemental state, are normally only 8 to 40% biologically available to animals & to humans. After reaching the age of 35 to 40, the availability of minerals to humans drops to 3 to 5%. Older people may not produce enough digestive acid to put calcium, magnesium, & potassium into ionic suspension.
Calcium lactate is an example of a typical supplement. a 2,000 mg tablet of calcium lactate will chemically break down to 860 mg of milk sugar or lactose and 140 mg (or 16%) of elemental calcium. The 140 mg of elemental calcium from the calcium lactate must then undergo digestion in order to become ionized calcium. The end result is that only 10% of the original elemental calcium ingested is ionized and becomes bioavailable to the human body. This means that after the 140 mg of elemental calcium from the calcium lactate completes the digestive process you will end up with 10% of the original 140 mg, or 14 mg of biological ionic calcium available for metabolic use. Different types of calcium provide different percentages of elemental calcium. For example, calcium carbonate provides 40% elemental calcium, while calcium gluconate supplies 9% elemental calcium.
It is important for calcium to be consumed in healthy amounts. Although, just because it is consumed it does not always end up being absorbed by the body. Usually, between 10 to 40% of dietary elemental calcium intake is actually absorbed. However, women after menopause may only absorb 7%. Calcium from milk & milk products is absorbed at a higher percentage rate (45%) than calcium from supplements. Dietary calcium must be made soluble in the stomach & then pass to the small intestine where it combines with a calcium binding molecule so it can be absorbed (chelation). Calcium competes with zinc, manganese, magnesium, copper & iron for absorption in the intestine, & a high intake of one can reduce the absorption of the others.
Xooma's X2O, however, is already in ionic, biological form derived from pure Sango Coral. Therefore, it is a 100% ionic, bioavailable calcium & does not have to undergo the digestive, ionizing process to which the other calcium & some coral calcium supplements must be subjected.
Additional Notes:
The pH of the blood must remain between 7.35 & 7.45 for the body to remain healthy. According to Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., author of the "Textbook of Medical Physiology" which is used to train medical students, "at a blood pH of 7.2 & below the person will soon become exceptionally sick & soon die."
Interesting Fact:
The first documented medicinal use of coral is by the Arabs in the 16th Century. The oldest pharmacy in Spain was built in 1685 in Panaranda de Duero in northern Spain. This pharmacy, now part of a museum, displays a container of "ground up" coral with the inscription "Coral stone to purify the blood" & further states that the coral has a beneficial effect upon the heart & elevates the mood of the person taking it. Ancient cultures were aware that coral's more than 70 minerals & elements are key for the healthy to remain healthy & for the unhealthy to regain their health.
For more info on Xooma X2O, email"