Monday, December 10, 2007

Regulate Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar Levels

Technorati Profile
Himalayan Red Sea Salt is the finest Sea Salt available.

Himalayan Red Sea Salt restores 84 essential minerals & trace elements to the body. It replenishes electrolytes & helps balance the body's pH (one of the most important factors in health).

Significant positive changes in respiratory, circulatory & organ connective tissue & nervous system functions are noted with the use of Himalayan Red Sea Salt.

When Himalayan Red Sea Salt is mixed with water it is called Sole or liquid sunshine. The vibration pattern (energy) given off by Sole will register in the body for 24 hours after consuming Sole. This mixture will not only clear plaque in the arteries it will dissolve calcium buildups that lead to Kidney Stones & Arthritis. The most amazing thing is Himalayan Red Sea Salt can normalize Blood Pressure.

The crystalline structure of Himalayan Red Sea Salt will break down the molecular structure of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, also other toxins like arsenic, calcium & the toxic iodized table salt widely used. The plaque will begin to dissolve & these toxins will be able to be flushed out of your body.

Since the body is over 70% water with salt in every cell, soaking in a sea salt with magnesium bath has the detoxifying effects of a 3 day fast. The pain from Arthritis, Joint Diseases & Diseases like Lupus is greatly reduced. These baths not only detoxify & balance energy, they will bring you restful sleep.

More interesting facts:


1. Oxygen 2. Water 3. Salt 4. Potassium 5. Exercise

FACT - No one can live without these. Mainstream medicine too often ignores #'s 2 and 3 in favor of selling drugs and procedures to treat the symptoms of dehydration.

FACT - Nothing kills life quicker than lack of water.

FACT - The people with the worst health drink the least water and use the most deadly diuretic drought causing drugs - caffeine and/or alcohol.

FACT - The salinity of the water outside the cells in our bodies is the same as the ocean.

FACT - In the middle ages people were put to a horrible death by salt deprivation.

FACT - Health care makes big bucks by selling a quart of water with salt in it (Saline 4) for up to $350.00 installed, but won't tell the patients they do indeed need more water and salt in their diets.

FACT - How can you expect drug companies to do research on the importance of water in our daily lives when they can't make money on it? Who does research to put themselves out of business?

FACT - No two substances in the Bible are mentioned more than water and salt.

FACT - The environment of an unborn baby is water and salt.