It really is this simple. Water is a nutrient and it is fuel for our system. When the pharmaceutical model for health was being created, they chose to ignore water which makes up 70 percent of our body mass. Without the hydraulic affect of water we could not stand and support our own weight. We could not think, move or send and receive messages from the brain. We wouldn’t be able to feel anything without the support of water in the system. It is only in the last fifteen years that the enormity of this mistake is being realized. Sadly, this information has been in western medical literature for over forty years. Anyone willing to follow this simple precept, and move away from media based misconceptions, will benefit themselves and their loved ones with a huge reduction in the incidence of all degenerative disease. Imagine if this simple preventative measure reduces the risk of Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes and all the others down the line, by fifty percent. This is usually the point where I ask if everyone would follow this simple rule and stick to it. It is also where everyone nods their heads in an affirmative manner without any real conviction or belief. We really need to unwrap our minds from the media ads and begin to take control of our own health. The simple truth is...water works – especially water treated with X2O. Everything else is a poor substitute and over taxes the body. So if you haven’t figured it out, I want people to drink water. Yes, that’s it. Drink water – and in my opinion, it should be X2O water. All the benefits of drinking pure water are well documented. Energy drinks, soda, coffee and tea don’t hydrate or clean the system. All of them actually cause you to lose more fluids. Do your own test. Drink a can of soda or a cup of coffee or tea, containing eight or twelve ounces, then measure your urine output over the next several hours. You will put out more fluid than you took in.
It doesn’t matter whether you are an athlete, musician, journalist, lawyer, doctor or mail person. Water is the high-octane gasoline for your body. Sports drinks, soda, coffee and all the others don’t approach the effectiveness and benefits of properly hydrating and cleaning the system with water. An argument can be made for any liquid and its proposed benefit. None of these arguments HOLD WATER. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. There is just too much evidence to the contrary. This information is now available at the touch of a finger to a computer. The claims for many of these liquids border on, at the least, subterfuge. At the worst, outright lying. When you are thirsty, for health and vitality, stick with the “original” - water. Listen to your own body. See how it responds to taking on the fuel that God and nature intended. Water made up 70 % of your body’s mass the day you were born and quite simply the loss of it has contributed to many of the health problems we witness today.
So here it is and this is the HOLY GRAIL of well being: If you want to be healthy, if you want to be active, if you want to have more energy, be able to think more clearly, avoid depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue syndrome, panic attacks, constipation, acid reflux and a slew of other ordinary everyday complaints; drink more water.
Would you like an easy way to look at almost everything which has gone wrong with our health? Here it is: You may laugh, but I am serious; if the media is telling you something is a good idea, well it probably isn’t and they just don’t realize it yet, or they know its wrong, but have so much time and money invested in an ad campaign they won’t back away from it.
For example, back in the 1950's there were commercials and ads which told us that cigarettes helped us breathe. Doctors were actually used to promote these beliefs. The perception became reality, and once ingrained things are hard to change. Over twelve million people have died because of our socially accepted, government supported addiction to nicotine and Cigarettes. Now, after years of fighting about the health risks associated with smoking everyone agrees, including the media that smoking isn’t good for anyone, yet it is still legal. This addiction kills more people in a year than alcohol, heroin, crack, and cocaine combined and still our children start smoking. All this shows is that change is up to the individual. What I am trying to say in the present is that maybe...THINGS DON’T “GO BETTER WITH COCA COLA,” “PEPSI MAY NOT BE NUMBER ONE”, “DOING THE DEW” ISN’T a good idea. There is a reason all of these beverage giants are getting into the “water business.” Follow the money folks.
Water is the only way to hydrate and cleanse the inside of the body. Think about the inside of your body. Try to imagine all of the effort it takes to keep everything clean and functioning at an optimum level. We can’t reach in and scrub the dirt out of our heart, lungs or liver, but we can help by making sure the things we put into the system are the best to keep it functioning.
from "Hydration is the Key to Wellness De-Hydration is a component of all disease" By Tommie Weber To Read the rest of this article click here