Friday, March 07, 2008

Chemically-Induced Suicide: 80 Percent of Suicide Victims Took Antidepressant Drugs

"(NaturalNews) A Swedish writer has accused the National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW) of covering up evidence suggesting a connection between psychiatric drugs and suicide. Under a recent law, Swedish health-care providers must fill out reports on all suicides committed by patients under their care or within four weeks of a health care visit. The reports are then sent to the NBHW, which compiles and analyzes them.

Recently, the NBHW released the first report analyzing the 367 suicides recorded in 2006. 'Not a single word is written about the most compelling fact: Well over 80 percent of persons killing themselves were treated with psychiatric drugs,' Janne Larson writes." Click here for the rest of "Chemically-Induced Suicide: 80 Percent of Suicide Victims Took Antidepressant Drugs" at