"(NaturalNews) Many conventional media sources, known collectively as “Mainstream Media,” or MSM, repeat the conventional wisdom of obesity’s causes: sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition. These factors are irrefutable contributors to the worldwide, growing obesity epidemic. Yet lifestyle and nutrition factors do not tell the whole story. There are much more nuanced and insidiously dangerous implications in the massive increase in obesity: connections to rising cancer rates, and correlations to stored body toxicity. This article illustrates the growing evidence linking this “unholy triad” of obesity, cancer, and toxicity.
The rise in worldwide obesity rates parallel the increase in environmental toxicity. Meanwhile, cancer rates continue to rise; the WHO believes that cancer rates may increase by more than 50% by 2020. Meanwhile, more studies show that cancerous tumors are storehouses of high concentrations of toxic man-made chemicals.
There are many theories and studies that establish the connections in the unholy triad, and research"read the rest of "The Link Between Obesity, Cancer, and Toxicity (Part 1)" at Naturalnews.com