Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Tried It All, but No Relief?
The reason is 85% of illness comes from blocked energy. The methods you have tried can't work if your energy flow is blocked.
This is not a new concept, it is over 5,000 years old. It is the basis of most Eastern Healing.
The techniques to unblock energy were first used in Psychotherapy. While using these techniques an amazing thing was noted. Physical healings began to take place. Not only were emotional scars healed, physical ailments were going away.
There is a very simple reason for this. Emotional Stress or Trauma has been believed to be the cause of Negative Emotions. So Psychotherapy concentrates on a person reliving traumatic experiences so they can deal with them. This often brings the patient much more pain.
If reliving traumatic experiences works, why do people have to continue Psychotherapy for years, & many times are no better?
The reason this does not work is the Emotional Stress is not the underlying cause for the Negative Emotions. A key step has been left out.
Emotional Stress or Trauma really causes Energy Blockage & the Energy Blockage causes the Negative Emotions.
This explains why some people are affected by Trauma & some people are not. If the Energy is not blocked, there can be no Negative Emotions.
Science is just beginning to see the part that energy plays in our bodies. Eastern healers have been aware of this for years.
There are very simple accupressure techniques that you can learn for Free in just a few minutes to unblock your energy flow. Once you learn these techniques, you can use them on any problems you may have.
The real beauty of this is you do not even have to believe in the techniques or believe that they will work, for them to work. Many people try these techniques with a great deal of skepticism. To their amazement they get relief, while they are telling themselves it won't work.
This is a very fascinating subject. Visit my website http://beam.to/relief for more information & the link to learn these techniques Free. Don't delay in downloading the PDF file for Free. This will truly change your life.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Double Chocolate Shake
In a blender mix some organic silken soft tofu ( high protein).
One frozen banana cut into quarters. Overripe bananas work great.
Add 1 tblsp. at a time of organic cocoa to make this as rich as you want (high in antioxidants).
Sweeten with Stevia & or honey, whichever you prefer.
Add a little organic chocolate soy milk to thin to desired consistency.
This is a meal. You could leave out the chocolate & use vanilla soy milk with strawberries, or cherries. Freeze the fruit & throw it in the blender to thicken the shake. The combinations are endless.
Enjoy this meal-dessert, guilt free.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Clogged Arteries
You Can't Afford to Ignore!
* Fingers and/or toes often go cold
* High level of C-Reactive Protein CRP
* Arms and /or legs often go to sleep
* Memory not as good as it was
* Numbness or heaviness in arms or legs
* Ankles swell late in the day
* Shortness of breath with little exertion
* Persistent, nagging cough
* Cramps in hand when writing
* Breathlessness on slight exertion
* Sharp, diagonal crease in the earlobe
* Urinating more than 2x at night
* Tingling sensations in lips or fingers
* Whitish ring under outer part of cornea in the eye
* Short walk causes cramping or pains in legs
* High blood pressure
* Chest pain after physical exertion or stress
* Rising homocysteine level
Arterial plaque begins to build up in the arteries at an early age (even teenagers are developing coronary heart disease). Plaque build-up steadily progresses throughout life which in time can, and does, cause coronary heart disease which is the most common cause of death in North America claiming one life every 33 seconds (over 1 million lives yearly in the U.S. alone).
What exactly is arterial plaque? Think of it this way...it's a yellow, swollen area in the middle muscular layer and the lining of your artery, which is formed when lipid (fat or fat-like material and other nasty stuff listed below) is built up in the area, eventually causing thickening of your artery walls, narrowing of your arteries and stopping the flow of blood and oxygen to your heart muscle, brain, toes and feet.
Technically this plaque is a mixture of fibrin, collagen, phospholipids, triglycerides, cholesterol, nucopolysaccharides, foreign proteins, heavy metals, muscle tissue, and debris all bonded together with calcium that accumulates until it completely closes the artery.
Listen ...your heart is nothing to fool with because it will not stand for any mistreatment, and that's exactly what you are doing when you don't take care of your arteries. Your arteries are the only source of oxygen and nutrients that your heart has.
As your arteries clog with plaque, and they do and will, you put your heart at risk. The more the plaque, the greater the risk to your heart, and you don't even know what's going on because you can't feel it!
It stalks you until, one day, out of the blue,
it strikes you unannounced and unexpectedly
The crystalline structure of Himalayan Red Sea Salt will break down the molecular structure of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, also other toxins like arsenic & calcium. The plaque will begin to dissolve & the arteries will clear.
Himalayan Red Sea Salt restores 84 essential minerals & trace elements to the body. It replenishes electrolytes & helps balance the body's pH (one of the most important factors in health). Significant positive changes in respiratory, circulatory & organ connective tissue & nervous system functions are noted with the use of Himalayan Red Sea Salt.
When Himalayan Red Sea Salt is mixed with water it is called Sole or liquid sunshine. The vibration pattern (energy) given off by Sole will register in the body for 24 hours after consuming Sole. This mixture will not only clear plaque in the arteries it will dissolve calcium buildups that lead to Kidney Stones & Arthritis. The most amazing thing is Himalayan Red Sea Salt can normalize Blood Pressure.
Since the body is over 70% water with salt in every cell, soaking in a sea salt with magnesium bath has the detoxifying effects of a 3 day fast. The pain from Arthritis, Joint Diseases & Lupus is greatly reduced. These baths not only detoxify & balance energy, they will bring you restful sleep.
Can't get Results?
The first thing we must do is clean the colon. With the diet that Americans consume a special mixture of vegetables, enzymes & herbs must be used to eat away the coating that has built up over the lining of the colon which makes the colon unable to abosrb anything properly.
The next thing that must be in place is the pH must be balanced. This is the most important factor to consider in the healing of all sickness today. This is accomplished by eating a high Alkaline Diet & getting the proper minerals in absorbable forms.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Is our Tap Water Making Us Sick?
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Removing Heavy Metals
Building the Blood
pH is the Key
Water Is Usually the Answer
Friday, February 10, 2006
Quackwatch on Robert Barefoot
I want to make it perfectly clear, Coral Calcium does not heal you!!! I think people are missing the idea. Our bodies do the healing, but for them to be able to do this they must have the proper building blocks or regeneration tools. I have seen many people that were constantly sick & with proper nutrition & the addition of vitamins & minerals their Immune Systems became stronger, & they became very healthy. Many of these people were healed of Degenerative Diseases very common in our society today. Some of these people are you who are reading this. If so please post your comment to this. There is strength in numbers!
Most of what I read on the page written by Stephen Barrett M.D., was written from the viewpoint of The Medical Industry (I use this word because it so closely describes our medicine today). Ironically these are the people who are claiming Robert Barefoot is revenue driven. They seemed to focus on claims that the Coral Calcium did the actual healing. It makes perfect sense to attack something that could help solve some of the problems doctors make money from. We have to be very careful in the politically correct society we live in today, but we do still have Freedom of Speech!! I do not know if Robert Barefoot is doing anything wrong, but I do know to attack Coral Calcium in such a way is very unfair.
In the words of:
If the doctors of today do not become
the nutritionists of tomorrow,
then the nutritionists of today will become
the doctors of tomorrow."
The World's Oldest Man
The Guinness Book of World Records sent a journalist to interview the world's oldest documented living man, Shigechiyo Izumi, who lived on the Japanese island of Tokunoshima, Mr. Izumi was a 115-year-old man at the time of the interview, and had retired a short 10 years earlier! But what amazed the reporter the most was the average age of the population; seldom did one die in this society before the age of 95! Even the very old were active and healthy.
A team of researchers discovered that the explanation for their health and longevity was actually in the water. The island has been built up over the centuries from sango coral reefs. When rain percolates down through the coral and finds its way into the population's drinking water, it is infused with the ionic minerals - mostly ionic calcium - which make the water very alkaline and very healthy. The water then causes the body fluids to be very alkaline, and free of disease!
Today over 4 million Japanese use Coral Calcium daily, and the message has spread like wildfire across Europe and around the world. The Secret of the World's Oldest Man has exploded into North America, with life changing testimonies of its benefits pouring in daily. Check out the testimonials at www.xoomaworldwide.com/FORHEALTH
Research has shown that increased Calcium intake has had amazing results. Coral Calcium is CRITICAL to good health, its like water and air. You must have all three every day! Calcium is involved in literally 100s of critical body functions daily. Several years ago, Congressional document Number 23476 stated " there is not enough minerals in the soil to support health for our bodies". It has to be in the soil first in order to get in our food products and then into our bodies. If we don't use food supplements we certainly cannot be healthy. Many calcium pills are not even assimilated, you can take a 2,000 mg., but only assimilate 35 mg. Patented Sango Coral Calcium is in an ionic form & is readily assimilated. I have clients that feel effects from the first day.
Dr. Linus Pauling who won the Nobel Prize twice said ":... every disease is directly linked to a mineral deficiency. 2/3's of our intake daily must be minerals". Every mineral has a critical use in the body. Did you get your Calcium Today?
Mineral & Calcium Deficiency
New York Times
"Calcium Takes Its Place As a Superstar of Nutrients"
October 13, 1998
"It is the primary building block of our teeth and bones. It provides the electrical energy for the heart to beat and for all muscle movement. It is the calcium ion that is responsible for feeding every cell. Without calcium, DNA cannot replicate itself. As a result, low calcium means low body repair and premature aging. But, most important of all, calcium controls the pH of the body."