Thursday, February 07, 2008
Honeybees and Almonds, Pigs and MRSA: The Deadly Connections
"(NaturalNews) The New York Times recently reported a highly probable direct link between our unsustainable system of modern industrial agriculture and two recently emerging phenomena that threaten us all. The author makes the very logical connection between the recent epidemic of MRSA (an antibiotic-resistant strain of Staphylococcus bacteria) which is now killing more Americans each year than AIDS (100,000 infections leading to 19,000 deaths in 2005 alone, according to estimates in The Journal of the American Medical Association) and the deplorable conditions that exist in the CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) in the US and other countries." read the rest here on "Honeybees and Almonds, Pigs and MRSA The Deadly Connections